A time for change…

Seasons come and go, and there’s nothing that we can do about it. You can’t tell summer to hold on for fall, and you can’t tell winter to hold on for spring. No matter what season you love, it’s going to eventually change. One may last longer than the other, but either way, the season is going to change.

This is something that we can’t change, just like we can’t change time. We can’t hold on to an hour longer, and we can’t go back in time to a month ago. These things we have no power to control. They are going to happen whether we want them to or not.

The only things we can do when it comes to seasons and time is to prepare and react. In the winter months, most of us would prepare by getting things to keep us warm. In summer months you are preparing to try and stay cool. With time you react by waking up, going to sleep, and eating at certain times etc.

As these things are in the natural, seasons and times change in the spiritual too. We can’t stay complacent in our walk with God. We are to change with the seasons and times. Some seasons may be longer than others, and some may be shorter than others. But, the one thing that remains constant is God.

We may go through a lot of spiritual warfare in one season, and in another season we may have an abundance of blessings. We can never know what we are about to face in life, but what we can lean on is God’s faithfulness.

If you are like me; you don’t like change. Now, I know others that love change. Regardless, of the way you adapt to change, it has to be done.

You may currently be in, or just entered into, a season that you may not like, and that’s something you cannot change. But, what you can do, is be “intentional” with how you react to that season.

Many of you know that I just moved to Memphis, TN and many of you know that I absolutely hate everything that has to do with moving, but it had to be done, regardless of how I felt about it. It had to be done, because I heard the voice of the Lord and He said “Go!” I could’ve said no and stayed in San Antonio, but I knew that season was over and I was about to enter into a new season.

I faced a lot of crap for my decision to move, but what they saw was the outside looking in. They saw a girl who was picking up “once again” and moving to another state. What they didn’t see was my inner battles with God about my move. What they didn’t see were the visions and dreams that God was showing me. What they didn’t see was my crying out to God for more. What they didn’t see were my sacrifices when I told God, I would go wherever He told me to go at all costs. What they couldn’t see was my heart for the things of God. All they saw was the change of me moving.

You may see one thing from the outside looking in, but I promise there probably was a battle or a change that needed to happen so that God could take them to the next level. Sometimes you have to lose it all to win it all back. Sometimes it requires a sacrifice, but God is faithful to repay it back.

Seasons do change and seasons come and go, but your faith will carry you through to the next season that God has for you! Don’t keep your focus on the “change,” keep your focus on your “faith” and on “The One” who has the power to change your season; God!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

2 thoughts on “A time for change…”

  1. Amen!! Change makes me nervous and excited at the same thing! Coming from someone who likes to have control of every “move”…I’m learning to be still and move with HIM.
    Love you Ness!!

  2. Chelles, I’m the same way. When He tells me to move, I need my whole blue print! Unfortunately, God moves on our faith and not on our agenda.

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