A New Year… 2018!

Well, here we have it. A new year, which means new beginnings, new blessings, new resolutions, and of course new problems. For many people, a new year means they get to start over; they get a re-do from the previous year, and new hopes that the new year will bring in better blessings than the previous year. I can’t lie, I’m a sucker for a new year with new beginnings.

Total transparent moment, 2017 had a horrible start for me. I spent the first 31 days in tears. I was so broken and hurt. I can picture where I was like it was yesterday. I was laid up on my couch, curled up in a ball, weeping and sobbing asking the Lord to take the pain away.

Y’all when I tell you 2017 has brought some of my toughest trials; I promise I’m not lying. Now, don’t get me wrong, for every trial I overcame, the Lord has blessed me for my troubles. 2017 wasn’t just a year of doom and gloom. It had a lot of special moments as well.

In the midst of my greatest pains, Braveheart ministries launched. Woohoo! Almost getting to that One Year mark! I also moved states, got promoted, and made new friendships. Yes, it’s okay to make new friends. Don’t let the “no new friends” slogan keep you from experiencing some new blessings in your life.

Although a new year gives you a start over, it’s always going to come with good and bad. I posted something on my social media a month or so ago, saying yes we get a new year, but that’s only if we don’t continue down the same path as the previous year.

This means, making better choices to do better. We can’t do the same thing as last year and think we’re going to get a new year. It doesn’t work like that. We must make a conscious decision to make better choices or guess what?! You’re going to end up repeating the same stuff as the previous year.

Don’t fall for the toxic cycle of life. Be consciences of your choices. You will slip and fall at some point, but make sure to get up, dust yourself off, and try again.

I challenge you to make a list of the things you “DO NOT” want to repeat in this coming year. I already made mine. After you write your list, beside each thing, write what you can do differently to not fall into that negative cycle again.

For example:

  1. Be done with Ex… Actions: delete/block number. Block social media. No stalking.
  2. Stop drinking/smoking… Actions: stop hanging with friends who do. Don’t go to places that will temp you.
  3. Be on time for work… Actions: set alarm 30min earlier. Set clothes previous night.

Let’s make 2018 a year of better choices, with better outcomes. It will help minimize the repeat of the previous year. 2018 will be a year of blessings, of open doors that no man can shut, and supernatural favor. Stay your course, focus on God, and get ready to receive your best year yet!

Here are some new year quotes I found encouraging; be encouraged and motivated!

“365 new days, 365 new chances.”

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”

“Cheers to a new year, and another chance for us to get it right.”

“Though no one can go back, and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now, and make a brand new ending.”

“And, now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”

The Lord has laid on my heart to do a 31-day challenge of reading a chapter a day and taking communion for 31 days. If you would like to join in on the challenge, head over to my social media and join in.

1 thought on “A New Year… 2018!”

  1. Happy New Year!!! Braveheart you have been this tiny little light that continued to light up when I needed, every time I would read, that light we ignite again, thank you!!

    Yes, I love “new beginnings” too! The start to a “fresh” new day, get things right this time haha

    Praying the God continues to use your testimony to reach others who need to hear it!!!

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