Even when you don’t…

This morning I was having breakfast with a friend and we started talking about success and what it looked like in our lives. We also talked about being productive and how our old ways matched up to our new ways; good and bad.

I told her I’ve found your success is locked up in doing the things you need to do even when you don’t feel like it. A good habit to have is consistency when it comes to success. Success doesn’t come without consistency unless you win the lotto.

I started blogging a year and a half ago, in which I put out a blog every week. I can count on one hand, how many times I wasn’t able to put out a blog, but the success of my blogging has been its consistency.

Trust me when I tell you, blogging isn’t always fun. Although, I may have a lot to say, sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to even write about. There are days where I’m completely burnt out from the day or work and don’t feel like writing, but I made a commitment to this, my followers, and God, that I won’t quit. Too many people depend on it.

So, when those days come where I don’t feel like doing it, guess what? I still do it. Parents can’t stop being your parents. They remain parents because that’s their responsibility. Money doesn’t fall out of the air, you have to work to make money. My point is that if you really want something, you will do it consistently, even when you don’t feel like it.

Look back to when you first started the thing, see what habits have changed, and make the proper adjustments to get back to the place that fueled your passion.

Passion fuels consistency, and consistency fuels success.

I know some of you who are reading this, either feel like giving up, quitting, or putting it on the shelf, all because you don’t see results. I’m here to tell you, if you do it even when you don’t feel like it, it will produce results. Maybe, not at the moment you want it to happen, but in time it will produce. Keep pushing, keep writing, keep speaking, keep researching, whatever it is, just keep doing it and watch results follow!

Remember, whatever you put into it, is what you’ll get out of it…