The mind of a child…

I wanted to write this week’s blog on something that the Lord had shown me a few weeks ago. I battled to write it when the Lord spoke it to me because I wasn’t a parent. I double guessed myself, but I knew what I needed to do, and that was to be obedient to what the Lord had shown me. I’m going to share two stories with you and tell you what the Lord showed me. Here we go…

When I was about 3 years old I was at my grandparent’s house for a family BBQ since they had a pool. We would do this often, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary. I remember asking my parents if they could take my little orange floaties off (these helped you stay afloat if you didn’t know how to swim), so I could use the restroom. My parents took them off so that I could go use the outside restroom by the deep end of the pool.

As I was coming out of the restroom (I remember clear as day,) I go to the deep end of the pool, look down, and I see a rubber snake (read this with your spiritual ears). I bend down to grab the “snake” and fall in. One of my brothers was swimming underwater, accidentally bumps into me, pulls me out of the water, and I’m completely blue. They administer CPR on me and rush me to the hospital. The doctor tells my parents, if I was under water 10 more seconds I would’ve lost my life.

Let’s fast forward…

At 4 years of age (I remember this clear as day as well), I was driving in the car with my mom. This was before car seats were a law! I was sitting on the passenger side and my mom was making a turn on a busy street, and as she made the turn, the door swings open, and I fly out of the car into oncoming traffic. Luckily, I wasn’t hit. I can remember something in my mind telling me to pull the door handle, and I did. This could’ve been another tragic scene where I could’ve lost my life.

I tell these two stories to show you how important it is to pray for your children’s minds or any child you may know. The Lord showed me a vision of the exact moments in both of these stories where the devil was trying to take me out. Both times I listened to that voice in my head to bend down and grab the snake, as well as pull the handle, and see what happens.

A child doesn’t know any better. They’re trying to understand life one day at a time, especially at this young age. This is why it’s vital for you to pray over your little one’s minds for guidance and protection. You never know what seed, or little voices, the devil is trying to plant in their minds.

If the devil can get them while they’re young, the easier it is to get them when they’re older. We have to pray for protection in children’s minds at all times because the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

The devil knew if he took me out while I was a baby, he wouldn’t have to worry about me doing kingdom work and sharing God’s love. The devil will try and attack an innocent mind because they don’t know any better. They think it’s all part of the process.

So, I share this week’s blog, and my almost dying moments, to shed light on how important it is to pray for the little ones minds. No one is off limits to the devil, not even the little innocent ones. He doesn’t play fair, but God gave you the ammunition to be able to protect your child, and fight against him through prayer!

If you haven’t been praying for them, start now, their life could depend on it! I believe I’m here because of a praying mother and grandmother. I had a vision, of my grandmother carrying me as a baby, and praying over me, but that’s for another blog, another week!”

1 thought on “The mind of a child…”

  1. This is awesome. I can remember times as a kid that I did things I had no business doing. My Grandmother used to have a saying “An Idle mind is a devils workshop”. As a kid I got into crazy things like gluing my lips together at 5 or setting my cousin’s hair on fire at 8. I am so glad my Grandmother prayed for me and my mind. PS. I wasnt bad I was just bored. #delivered

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