The authentic YOU!

We live in a society where people grow up wanting to be like someone else. They admire people to the extent that they want to mirror their lives. You are constantly hearing people say, I want to be like this person or I want to be like that person.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to admire people, and learn about them, so you can gain knowledge that will someday help you in pursuing your dreams. Just don’t lose your identity trying to be like someone else!

There is only one YOU. It doesn’t matter if you have the same idea as someone else, only you can do it the way you are meant to do it.

Take me as an example. There are thousands and thousands of women who have a story, who have a women’s ministry, but I’m the only one that has this ministry, “Braveheart” Ministries. I can only run Braveheart like Braveheart, no one else can. No one can tell my story better than I can.

So, before you think your idea isn’t any good or too many people are doing it already, pause, take a deep breath, and tell yourself that, no one can do it like YOU!

God created you specifically the way you are. He programmed you the way you are. He knows the number of hairs you have on your head. He already knows the authentic you! Don’t try and be someone who you weren’t created to be. When you try to be like someone else, you lose your authenticity and your power.

Don’t sell yourself, or your idea short. One of my former college professors told me these exact words, “stop selling yourself short! You have a lot to offer as well as God on your side. Rejection is simply confirmation that something is not what God has for you.”

Go back and re-read the last paragraph and let that resonate in your spirit! You were destined to be YOU in its full authenticity; good, bad, and the ugly, but no one can duplicate you. There is only one of you. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. No one is created to be a duplicate.

Dust yourself off and be YOU again. Embrace it. Be the authentic, one of a kind, original YOU!