He will fight for you…

Have you ever had a time where you knew you were going to be in trouble and you didn’t know what to do? You were so terrified of the unknown you couldn’t even think straight. I know I have plenty of times. More times than I can remember. But, what has kept me is knowing that God has always been my protector.

The other night as I was studying I came across 2 Chronicles 20 and oh em gee! What a revelation I received, that it literally brought tears to my eyes. There are so many times that we find ourselves in wars, fights, or arguments, that get us off track.

A quick summary of this chapter. Jehoshaphat heard that there were armies coming against him to start a war. By the time he heard about it, they were closer in proximity than he thought. The scripture says in verse 3 “… Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord.” He then prays publically and asks the Lord to help them. Verse 12 says “… For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do; but our eyes are upon you.”

Do you see Jehoshaphat’s posture? Although he was scared, he looked to God for help. He knew God would be the only one to protect them and help them gain a victory. This battle was out of his hands and he had no other choice but to trust God.

As I was reading this, it made me think, how many times do we try and fight our own battles? We either lose the battle or we make things worse. Further down in the scriptures God gives them direction and a reminder of His goodness to them. He speaks through a prophet to them “Thus says the Lord to you, do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s… Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” (v.15-17)

Needless to say, this is all they needed to hear to be able to fight their battle the way God wanted them to fight the battle. Sometimes we want to fight a battle a certain way, but God wants us to fight it a different way. This is why we must look to God for instructions and directions. After following through with their instructions, they worshipped and praised God to their victory!

As you see, God will fight our battles for us. Here are the steps to take when you come up against a battle.

1. Acknowledge there is a battle
2. Remember that you can’t do it on your own
3. Seek the Lord about the situation
4. Wait to hear from the Lord with an answer and direction
5. If He still hasn’t answered, continue waiting until He speaks
6. Once God speaks, obey His instructions and directions
7. Praise and worship God in the battle and thru the battle
8. Keep your focus on God and watch Him give you the victory
9. Repeat and do it all over again!

Remember, God will always be with you. He was with you before your battle, He is with you in your battle, and He is with you when you claim your victory!

Be encouraged that your victory is on the other side of your obedience and your focus on God.