You’re one step closer…

So, this week I faced some discouragement. For a second I was taken to a place of sadness. I started to vent to a friend about my current circumstance and after I was done venting, he said “good, you are now one step closer to getting what you want.”

As soon as he said this, it hit me in my soul; I really felt it to my core. That’s when peace started to invade my spirit. What I thought was a place of discouragement now became a place of excitement for the future.

Life happens right?! One day it’s good, and the next day it can be crappy. One day we have our hopes up and the next day we are filled with discouragement. It’s so easy to get stuck in our discouragement. Something happens and we’re irritated, bitter, discouraged, sad, crying, mad, jealous, and any other negative emotion you can think of.

We immediately take a bath in it and soak up all the negativity. We’re human, it’s okay to feel these emotions. The key is… do not stay in that place of discouragement for too long. Why? Because if you stay stuck long enough, you’ll get tired of fighting, and you’ll remain there, which in turn becomes a negative cycle in your life.

Now, all of this can change, if we change our perspective and look at the current situation from a different lens. I challenge you to look at the thing that is bothering you, or made you sad, made you cry, made you angry, and think of it as “being one step closer” to achieving whatever goal you are trying to achieve.

Some may not have gotten the job you applied for; good! You are now one step closer to getting another job.

You may have received an F on a paper; good! You are now one step closer to getting a better grade.

You may have broken up with your significant other; good! You are now one step closer to finding your spouse.

Maybe your idea was turned down; good! You are now one step closer to getting accepted.

Imagine if we thought like this all the time. We would be much happier. Things would roll off our back and we wouldn’t get stuck in the negativity. I share this with you because his one simple sentence was a game changer for me. What could’ve been a few days/weeks of discouragement changed into a few hours. That’s a big difference when it comes to finding joy and peace in the midst of your discouragement. Find the peace for your journey and joy for your future!

Meditate on these scriptures this week…

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.” John 14:27

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

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