This is blocking season…

Blocking or deleting someone used to be really hard for me to do. No matter what I did I couldn’t make myself do it. I had to know what was going on, what they were doing, who they were doing it with. I had to be in the know. I still had to have an attachment to them and be linked in some way.

Oh, and if someone blocked me or deleted me, I took complete offense to it. I would raise chaos and make a big issue out of it. In my mind, I never did anything wrong for someone to block or delete me.

But, let me tell you, this new season I’m in, it’s so easy to block and delete someone with no hesitation. If someone blocks me, they did me a favor. If you aren’t right for my soul or my future, I have to let you go.

This season, came with a lot of pruning, pushing, and letting go of things and people. I had to rid myself of junk that was in my soul. I had to break soul-ties and strongholds off of me, even generational curses that were on my life. With this pruning season, came “blocking season.”

I have worked so hard to get my soul right and become whole that I cannot allow someone to come in and steal what I have worked so hard for. They are not worth stealing my wholeness from me. I had to learn to protect and guard what I had accomplished in my mind and soul.

I can say when you’re living right and not building sexual or emotional soul-ties, it’s much easier to block and delete. When you have that attachment it’s a lot harder to do.

You have to ask yourself what is best for your soul and mind? Once you realize that nothing else matters, but your joy and happiness, that’s when blocking season comes in and actually produces fruit in your life.

No one is going to care for your soul better than yourself and maybe a few others that are close to you. Either way, the decision starts with you. Blocking and deleting season is a must. I say this because where God wants to take you, you cannot take some things and some people with you. You are going to have to learn how to block and delete if you want to go into your next season.

If you take the wrong baggage into your new season, you will be unprepared, and because of the lack, you won’t be able to enjoy the new season how God wanted you to enjoy it.

Trust me, it isn’t easy, but I have blocked and deleted people that I have known for years who weren’t good for my soul. For you, this could mean ex-lovers, ex-friends, some family, old flings, websites, apps, current friendships, or habits, anything that can hinder your future has to go.

It gets easier with time and growth. Soon you will become an expert at it. You won’t have to second guess should you block or delete because you have come to a place in your life that your soul matters more.

Get ready for your new season. You have to let go of the old to be able to enjoy your future, so get to blocking and deleting!