The Lamb and The Butcher…

I was on phone googling something and a picture of a lamb came across my screen. I immediately thought about a story that my mentor had told me many years ago, that still comes to mind frequently. This is a true story!

This story comes to mind at such a great time. Being that Resurrection Day just passed which many know this day as Easter. This is where Christ was risen from the grave, so that we could have life.

You ready? Here we go. This may be a little graphic, so brace yourself, but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

There was a guy whose profession was a butcher. He did this for many years with no issue. He never had remorse, it was just a job for him. He would go into work and do what he had to do then go home at night.

One day the butcher was slaughtering all different types of animals. He started with the cows. He stated that when slaughtering the cows, (by the slitting their throats) the cows would go crazy, moving, and jumping around. They did this until they bled to death and took their last breath.

He moved on from the cows to the chickens and it was the same thing. They would go crazy. He then went on to the pigs, and it was the same thing. He moved on to goats and the same thing happened.

Finally, after a long day, he moved on to the lambs. He started with the lamb, and instead of going crazy like all the other animals did, this lamb just stood there, looked him in his eyes, and after slitting the throat, he still stood there. It didn’t move, it didn’t jump around, it didn’t go crazy, it just looked at him until it bled to death and took his last breath.

Immediately the butcher burst into tears. He was overwhelmed by so much pain and hurt. He was reminded of how Jesus was beaten to death and He didn’t fight back. This lamb was a representation of Jesus to him. This was the prime example of how Jesus gave his life for us.

He didn’t fight, He didn’t jump, or go crazy, He just stood there and took it.

Needless, to say, this butcher never worked another day slaughtering animals.

As sad as this story is, it gives us a prime example of the true price that Jesus paid for us. Jesus just stood there. He took an intense beating. A beating that would eventually take His life. He did this knowing that He was about to die for our sake.

Do you know anyone who would do this for you besides Jesus?

When I think of this story, it brings me to tears every time. It hits home, like I was the butcher. How did Jesus find us so valuable to give up his own life for us?

I share this story in hopes that this story shows the real price that Jesus paid for us. He gave no fight, because He thought we were worth all the pain, all the hurt, all the beatings. We were worth His death.

So, next time someone tries to tell you, that you’re worthless, you don’t mean anything, or a piece of garbage, remember this story. Remember that lamb, who didn’t fight his death, so that you could continue to live.

John 10:10
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.”

Job 10:12
“You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.”

James 1:17
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”